Justice Clarence Thomas on Racial Inequality and the Supreme Court, joined by Professor Yoo, on C-SPAN (2022).
Justice Thomas on the Role of Judges & More, hosted by the University of Notre Dame (2021).
Justice Thomas on Law Clerks, hosted by Pepperdine Law School (2019).
Justice Thomas on Faith & More, Commencement Address at Christendom College (2018).
Justice Thomas Interviewed by Ginni Thomas, posted by Daily Caller News (2018).
Justice Thomas Gives Moving Tribute to Justice Scalia, the Federalist Society Annual Dinner (2016).
Justice Thomas Gives Touching Eulogy For Justice Scalia, the Justice Scalia Memorial Service (2016).
Justice Thomas on the Duties of Citizens, Commencement Address at Hillsdale College (2016). For the full transcript, click here.
Justice Thomas Interviewed by Judge Sykes, the Federalist Society’s National Lawyers Convention (2013).
A Conversation with Justice Thomas, Harvard Law School (2013).
Justice Thomas and Yale Professor Amar on the Constitution, 225th Anniversary of the U.S. Constitution at the National Archives (2012).
Justice Thomas on Georgia, Kindness, and More, Commencement Address at the University of Georgia (2008).
Justice Thomas on My Grandfather’s Son, the Hillsdale College Eighth Annual Churchill Dinner (2007).
Justice Thomas Interviewed by Brian Lamb, C-SPAN (2007).
Be Not Afraid, Francis Boyer Lecture at the American Enterprise Institute (2001).
Justice Thomas on the Legacy of Abraham Lincoln, Claremont Institute’s Lincoln Day Dinner (1999).
Justice Thomas on Courageous Beliefs, National Bar Association (1998). For the full transcript, click here.
Justice Thomas on the Supreme Court, National Center for Policy Analysis (1996).
Justice Thomas’ Thirty-Year Legacy on the Supreme Court, hosted by the Heritage Foundation and the C. Boyden Gray Center for the Study of the Administrative State at Antonin Scalia Law School (2021).
Tribute of Senator Hatch, Celebrating Justice Thomas’ Confirmation 25 Years Later on the Senate Floor (2016).
Professor Ralph Rossum on Understanding Clarence Thomas, Claremont McKenna College (2016).
Professor Scott Gerber on the Legacy of Clarence Thomas, Carolina Journal Radio (2013).